
Your Future Starts Here

Give your child a jump-start on a successful future. Classes are offered year-round, so you can enroll your child in any of our 3 academic terms. Each course covers an entire semester’s worth of material, and students have the liberty to complete courses at their own pace while ensuring that he or she meets the NUVHS Grade Eligibility Agreement requirements.

You and your child also have the option of full-time or part-time enrollment—so he or she can earn a high school diploma through NUVHS, or can take select classes to supplement coursework at his or her current school.

We offer college-prep courses that can be completed in 6-16 weeks and typically carry both UC “a-g” and NCAA/NAIA online course approvals. Teacher-to-student and student-to-student interactions occur regularly via an internal course messaging tool and through discussion board posts. Live, synchronous communication can occur and is often a component of our foreign language courses.

Our College Board approved Advanced Placement (AP) courses that can be completed in 10-16 weeks also include regular teacher-to-student and student-to-student interaction. Because of the rigor of these courses, teachers provide instruction via both synchronous and asynchronous communication. The instructor will also conduct an exam prep module prior to the AP exam date.

Tuition rates vary by course, and we also have several scholarship options available. Students come to us from all over the globe—NUVHS currently has 570 transfer agreements across 43 California counties and 42 states and internationally.